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Tuesday, July 19, 2016


Been working on a new project while also continuing to do the art for OddlyAberrant comics.
Maybe you want to go check that out? Comics for adults that are generally safe for work.

Look into Cthulhu's eyes.... go check out Oddly Aberrant comics on Tumblr or Blogger
Much appreciated!

Sunday, July 3, 2016

Some painting

Hey folks, been a while.

Mostly I've been working on Oddly Aberrant comic stuff, and looking for work.
Stress is a killer for creative juices, and as such it feels like pulling teeth just trying to draw a line or paint a splotch.
*deep breath in, slow breath out*
But it could be worse, thank God it ain't.
Have some new-ish paintings.

Underwater stair/shelf

Psiara, character from a set of stories being developed