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Saturday, June 27, 2015

Wild Psience Chapter 1

So, it's all available here: And I'd love for you to log in, like, share rate and otherwise vote.
What have you go to lose, other than some time finding other awesome comics to read for free??

The first few pages of Wild Psience, Chapter One for your reading pleasure:

And that's just the first few pages.
Chapter 2 is already starting over on Webtoons.

Monday, June 15, 2015

Wild Psience! painting

Weekend painting for a comic I've got going in the Webtoons / Line comic competition over HERE

Please check it out [they've got lots of webcomics up to read, not just in the competition], and it's easy to make an account.. to vote you have be logged in - and I'd love for you to vote for my comic. As much as the 30K USD would come in handy, more importantly, I'm getting a comic done!!

Normally I hate anything that has to do with `popularity contest` type stuff, but this actually makes sense - a company that needs readership would  naturally want to hire someone who's making stuff people like.
Doesn't mean I like it, but at least it makes logical, business sense.