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Monday, July 7, 2014

End of Class - Spider-Girl

It's the end of the six-week Comic Experience: Intro to Digital Painting Course.

And I gotta say, it's a lot different from the Intro to Comic Colouring Course.

It seems similar - and it is similar, colour theory, highlights and shadows - but when you get down to work, it's a different beast altogether. As was discussed in class, when colouring an inked piece, the shadows and blackest parts are already in place. But for painting, you go as dark as you want / can, because there is no 'darkest point' laid out for you.

Once again, a Comic Experience course that doesn't disappoint and is worth the money.
I know what you're saying / thining - that's a lot of money for a once-a-week, 6-week course.
Yeah, they're pricey, but they're also small class sizes, so you get more time to go over your work and see where you can improve - and what you've been doing well. The homework is often as enjoyable as it is challenging, and it's also stuff that you may recognize if you've been cognizant of media over the last 5 or 6 years.  Wait, Spider-Man [tobey macguire version]came out in 2002? Okay, so the last 10 years. 10 years? Ouch and wow, comic stuff has been in the mainstream media for a while now.

Anyhow, I did all this in RGB..and when it converts to CYMK, it looks like chalk art [light, not quite pastel-ish colour].  I learned a few things - important [for me] things and hopefully I'll remember them.

I need to re-tweak my tablet-monitor's colours/contrast/gamma, as what looked nice and dark came out not so much. But that's kind of the point of a class - learn things!! And in a Comic Experience course, you learn all sorts of good stuff.

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