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Sunday, April 6, 2014

Something old, Something new

So I bought a few more brushes that Ray Frenden's created. I have a hard time understanding how artists and colourists - any creative individual, really - are still working in Photoshop.  Manga Studio is a much more natural art program to work - a better ability to replicate real-world brushes and set up pages and such for printing in an easy-to-see / understand method.

Why am I so pro-Manga Studio? is it because Adobe screwed me out of my investment into their Creative Suite 3? No. ...I am still sore about that, coming on almost 7 years now.  But it's the fact that this is a program designed for people who draw, who create... whereas Photoshop's options often seemed like they were jammed in as afterthoughts or half-hearted appeasements.

Back to the point: I got playing with Frenden's Wash Brushes.. and figured what better subject than to remake an old Fallout Super-Mutant quick sketch I did a few years back. For those not familiar, the Fallout World is post-nuclear-apocalypse.  Think the version of the future envisioned by 1950s/60s sci-fi and fantasy.

But with no running water, and most of the water being radioactive, you can imagine the layers of grime one would accumulate whilst traipsing about the new-but-broken world.

Remember now - this is a recreation, not just colouring old lines, so there'll be some differences.


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