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Monday, March 24, 2014

Pneumonia Pno More!

So this cough I'd been fighting since Christmas turns out to have actually been pneumonia.
Got some meds and am now kicking Pneumonia right in the silent-P.
One side effect is they make me dizzy.  Another is supposed to be hallucinations. So I'm really hoping all that talk about a new tv series about an animated Brids of Prey where I get to voice a couple of villains if true.
Which it isn't, because I just made that up.

Something else I've just made up is this piece here.
The always awesome Lar deSouza had tweeted something about wanting to see other artist's old works, to see how far they've come in their abilities and craft. I don't have any paper&pen sketches anymore of these guys, but figure it couldn't hurt to re-create them digitially.
Well, I've been drawing these two since I was 8 years old.  Sadly, I cannot recall the name of the "hero", but the "villain" has always been Hornible.
And if we're honest.. what can be more villainous than putting ice in someone's drink while they're off to the loo? Well, lots of things, really. But it's never the big things.. but a piled-on heaping helping of small things breaks people..especially heroes, right?

Done in Manga Studio 5 with Ray Frenden's brushes. You can pick up all of Ray's brush packs for something like $20 - completely worth it.

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